Aquarius Horoscope 2010

This 2009 have come to the end, the new year of 2010 will come just about a few more days…im browsing some articles in the web, suddenly i read bout my astrology for 2010….haha…i wanna share it with u all….

Rebuilding and realigning emotionally are your key issues this year with Saturn, the planet of hard, cold reality, in your 4th House of Roots and Foundations. Problems at home or in establishing a sense of safety and security can be resolved by reflecting on how you reached this point. Looking deeply into your personal history can be a painful process. Opening up old wounds may be the last thing you want to do. But this work, when done in a compassionate manner, will make you stronger and create a more solid foundation upon which to build your future. With the power of your own insightfulness or the support of a counselor or therapist, you can unravel knots that have inhibited the flow of your full creative potential. Regardless of the limits of the people closest to you or the barriers you encounter professionally, you have the capacity to turn the course of your life in a more fulfilling direction. This is not a process that can be rushed, because slow-moving Saturn in systematic Virgo requires changes of habit that can’t be completed overnight. Taking small steps can test your patience, but consistent patterns of healthy self-awareness will eventually add up to a giant leap of consciousness that expands your opportunities for success.Generous Jupiter is not giving away the store this year. This outgoing planet is somewhat restrained in practical and goal-oriented Capricorn, and its passage through your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources is a graduate-level course in the meaning of relationships. Being clear about your goals in a partnership is essential, since anything less than a well-defined purpose can limit the benefits you collect. You receive the emotional and material rewards of joining forces when you know what you want and establish a plan to get it. In return, you need to commit to doing the hard work necessary to earn and keep the trust of others. If you are not willing to stick around when the going gets tough with someone, it may be wiser to not get started at all.

A Solar Eclipse on February 6 and a Lunar Eclipse on August 16 occur in your 9th House of Philosophy and Religion. Both are conjunct Neptune, the planet of ideals and dreams. These eclipses can strip away your illusions about a belief system or a revered teacher. However, a hunger for answers can lure you into following a new spiritual path that may not be all it seems. Connection with the divine does not require a human intermediary or a specific set of doctrines or rituals. If you feel abandoned in your faith or uninspired by your life, don’t look for someone else to show you the way. The magic of metaphysical meaning is all around you — in every cloud, tree, bird and child. If you allow your critical mind to step out of the way, and simply feel yourself in the world, you can experience the sense of communion that you seek.

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